Attention Maternity/Obstetrics Providers!
Posted 2 months ago by Kimberly Caldwell
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With the approval of Commissioner Sara Gagné-Holmes, the Office of MaineCare Services (OMS) is moving forward with a State of Maine application for the Transforming Maternal Health (TMaH) Model: Transforming Maternal Health (TMaH) Model | CMS
TMaH is the newest model offered by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to State Medicaid Agencies and is focused on improving maternal health care for people enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP and reducing disparities in access and treatment. The model is projected to run for 10 years, starting January 2025 and ending January 2035. There will be a 3-year planning period followed by a 7-year implementation period to execute the model. This is a highly competitive award, with plans for CMS to select only 15 states to receive up to $17 million each over 10 years.
Maternal health is a high priority for parties throughout the state, with strong foundational work to improve maternal and perinatal health being done by DHHS offices, health care systems, and provider and community networks over the past several years. OMS looks forward to a continued strong collaboration with these networks as the TMaH application is prepared over the next two months. The deadline for the TMaH Model application is September 20, 2024. The anticipated award date is December 15, 2024.
Please reach out to me with any questions or comments regarding the TMaH application.
Thank you,
Maggie Jansson, MPH, RN
Maternal and Infant Health Coordinator
Office of MaineCare Services
Department of Health and Human Services
109 Capitol Street, Augusta ME 04333