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New Board, New Session, LOTS to accomplish.

Posted over 1 year ago by Kimberly Caldwell

I'm pleased to welcome you all to the 2023-2024 MEAPA session.

We have a new board of directors who are eager to get to work on behalf of our members and all PA's in Maine.

MEAPA 2023-2024 Board of Directors 

President and President-Elect: Kim Caldwell 

Vice President-Kathleen Moneghan

Treasurer- Stephen Arnold

Secretary- Rebecca Koerting

Director-At-Large- Chris Bates-Withers

Director-At-Large- Rhianna Jones

Immediate Past President- Tim Grace

Student Directors- TBD

House of Delegates

-Stephanie Podolski (Chief Delegate)

-Angie Leclerc

-Robert Rousseau


Legislative Agenda

-This year we hope to propose and passing the PA Compact, a interstate licensure agreement which would make licensing in other PA Compact adopting states much easier. More info

-In May 2021 after many years of deliberation, AAPA's HOD made the decision to change the name of our profession, from "Physician Assistant" to "Physician Associate". As a Constituent Organization (CO) of AAPA, we endeavor to follow suit, changing the name of our organization but also working to pass legislation which would ensure the Board of Licensure in Medicine(BOLIM) and the Maine Osteopathic Board of Licensure(MOBOL) to change our title as well. Once this is achieved, it will fall to all of us in the state to encourage our organizations and employers to follow suit.

-As always, when the legislature begins sharing its proposed bills, MEAPA will be there to testify for and against them as they pertain to our profession.

Stay tuned, your support and advocacy will be greatly needed on these efforts.


MEAPA’s Fall CME Conference. 

This year we have moved our venue to Bar Harbor October 4th-6th 2023.

Accommodations and a discounted room block are available at Harborside Hotel, Spa and Marina for the nights of Oct 3-5th.

We are running two concurrent tracts with lectures applicable to inpatient and outpatient PA’s. We also are pleased to offer 3 workshops, including the popular Wilderness and Critical Care Workshops, as well as new this year a comprehensive Cardiology Workshop. See the full agenda here.
Register here.

 We have a number of committees we are looking for help on:

Constitution and Bylaw Committee
Nominating and Election Committee- Needs to be people not seeking election in 2024 
Awards and Scholarship Committee
Diversity Equity and Inclusion Commitee(DEI)
Government Affairs Committee (GAC)
Education Committee (CME) 
Social Media Committee

Please reach out to us with any questions/concerns or if you are interested in participating more in MEAPA initiatives! Many hands make light the work.



Kimberly M. Caldwell MPAS, PA-C

President and President-Elect MEAPA